Tuesday, 29 May 2012

FET Consultation Nurture Nottingham

We had a 20min consultation with James Hopkisson.

20min conversion cut short:
- 70% chance of successfully thawing all blastocyst
- 40% chance of a success cycle
- 40% chance of twin pregnancy
- I will visiting the clinic 7x for this cycle

Answers to my questions
Natural or Medicated Cycle.
Medicated cycles are marginally better than a natural cycle. When I ask by how much, he said its so small that he couldn't give a percentage. Plus there are no studies looking into this, so he can't say.
I can have natural cycle and buy suppositories for the LP to help line my womb, although he didn't feel it was necessary with a natural cycle

- why did we loss so many eggs through ICSI but IVF embryos thrived throughout.
He dislikes 50/50 splits, prefers patients to either go down the IVF route or ICSI route. The lose of some many eggs could have been down ICSI being more a more vigorous approach

- if we take 1 blastocyst out to thaw, but it doesn't - are we charged to thaw another blastocyst?
There is no extra charge. They are thawed on the morning of embryo transfer. If one doesn't seem to develop they can take out another and assess that.

- what is FET process and time scale?
I need to call in June CD1. The clinic arrange the paperwork and schedule me for my August cycle. Didn't go into much more detail then that. Mentioned that full details will be posted to me

- ask him to ask the success rate for the clinic.
It's approx 40%

It was nice seeing lucky visiting this amazing place that made him.. Very emotional ..


  1. Hi Boo! I'm really excited to hear about your next journey. I came across your blog during one of my thousands of google searches regarding my e2 levels etc. Argh. ;-)
    My response is very similar to what yours has been in the first stages of Lucky, so you have helped me feel super positive about it all. This is my first cycle (ttc 2 years and 2 months, and many friends and family falling in between).
    I'm currently on day 11 of Gonal F, e2 7600, and 10 follies each side. Triggering tomorrow and can't bloody wait. This bloated feeling is doing my head in.
    Anyway, thanks again for sharing, I'll be following your progress and "rooting for you"... Well, you know what I mean. :-)
    Love, Karina (Perth, Australia)

  2. Hey!! I'm soooo excited for you... That's excellent. Hope your doing ok & not too sore. Best of luck.. I'll be thinking of you. Message me and let me know how it goes. Tons & Tons of baby dust xxx

  3. Thanks for your reply. :-)
    I shall keep you posted.
    Karina xxx
