Thought I'd keep a diary of our 1st (..and hopefully last!) IVF journey
I'm Boo TTC since September 2006, we started whilst we was on holiday in Dominica Republic , thought it would happen the 1st month.. get the OV pain - have sex - legs in the air - BFP, right????? Didn't happen that month, that year or the year after... tons of OPKs, CBFM, Pre-seed later and we are about to start IVF
Read on for our history x
2006 - 2007
As I had previously had 2 miscarriages and had an ectopic pregnancy before we started TTC, I wanted to get tested to see if everything was okay, couldn't face the thought of another miscarriage
We were referred to the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic. DH and I took a load of bloods and the results came back that I had Protein C Deficiency which would have caused the previous miscarriages :( I was full of mixed emotions;
- happy that there was a reason,
- upset that i 'caused' the miscarriages,
- annoyed that I didn't know sooner,
- excited that the chances of another miscarriage will be decreased..
MAY 2008
As a year had passed with no BFP to celebrate, we went back to the GP to get referred to the fertility clinic. Went to the clinic and was told I would need a HSG and dye procedure and an ovulation blood test. DH did his business... Had an appointment in 3months time to get the results...
JULY 2008
We back to clinic to be told;
Ovulation - Excellent :)
Semen Analysis - Excellent :)
HSG - showed possible tubal damage :(
... i cried and cried... why was I broken, why couldn't I give my DH a baby!! Was given the option of either go for IVF or have a Lap and Dye to look further into the blockage. My head was all over the place, but DH decided that we should go with the operation... IVF was the last result wasn't it???
We came into the hospital day surgery for the Lap & Dye operation. Thankfully I was the first one in, so we wasn't having to wait around for ages or anything! After coming around from the operation the Consultant came to tell us that the left tube was blocked at the top (due to the previous ectopic pregnancy) and the right tube was clear!! We was given the option of either being referred for the IVF or to see if tuboplasty would work and continue TTC naturally for a year... IVF was the last result wasn't it???
Back to the operating bed for a HSG with tuboplasty procedure. They were able to clear the blocked tube but felt IVF would be the best option
We had decided that we need the last option - IVF was needed!!
We moved cities, so we came under a different PCTs so had to go through the bloods again (urgh, waste of time or what!!), but things thankfully moved quickly and we was eligible for 1 NHS cycle of IVF
This month consisted of scans, sniffing, injections, mood swings - you name it! It's AKA as IVF.
MARCH 2010
A long awaited BFP!! Scary and nervous weeks ahead due to bleeding. But through prayer our Lucky hanged on in there...
Delivered a healthy beautiful baby boy. He's amazing... We are so truly blessed. In LOVE
.... The story of the IVF continues - pray that this works
Hi love reading your diary going for 1st ivf in 4months
ReplyDeletewish you the best.