Monday, 27 February 2012

FET Postponed

We've discussed things tonight and decided to postpone FET till later in the year; possibly Sept-November.

A couple reasons:

1. Lucky has a hearing loss and we need to concentrate on his speech and language over the next few months. We don't feel it's fair on him, if I'm too exhausted to play and interact with him, the emotional rollercoaster of IVF and all it brings.

2. My cycles aren't spot on! They are a day or two out, which is a lot better than they were a couple of months ago, but ideally i'd feel more comfortable if they were back to their pre-pregnancy predictable state. We really need this FET to to be natural. Mainly due to the lack of funds, so if we don't require drugs the better! If obviously, the Consultant feels drugs are required due to hormone levels or some other reason that's fine.

So we are giving TTC naturally a real good shot at the moment. CBFM, diet, vitamins, the lot... Have we missed anything??

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